Last Weekend to Enjoy Gingerbread Warming House Hot Chocolate
Come visit. Get your Hot Chocolate and find out what is happening at Bryerswood Youth Camp. Donations accepted to support the BRYERSWOOD YOUTH CAMP.
Gingerbread Warming House Hot Chocolate
Enjoy a cup of Hot Chocolate while viewing the RIVER LIGHTS. The Gingerbread Warming House is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights this weekend from 5:30 to 8:30. Talk to your servers and find out what is happening at BRYERSWOOD YOUTH CAMP. Donations
Gingerbread Warming House Hot Chocolate
During the AMHERSTBURG RIVER LIGHTS FESTIVAL the GINGERBREAD WARMING HOUSE is open from 5:30 to 8:30 on weekend nights. Come out and enjoy a Hot Chocolate served up by Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club. The Gingerbread Warming House is open every Friday,
Hot Chocolate at the Gingerbread Warming House
During the River Lights Festival we will be serving Hot Chocolate in the Gingerbread Warming House. The Warming House is located in Toddy Jones Park (near the old General Amherst High School). The Warming House opens on Saturday November 16 and runs
Gingerbread Warming House Hot Chocolate
During the AMHERSTBURG RIVER LIGHTS FESTIVAL the GINGERBREAD WARMING HOUSE is open from 5:30 to 8:30 on weekend nights. Come out and enjoy a Hot Chocolate served up by Bryerswood Youth Camp Optimist Club. The Gingerbread Warming House is open every Friday,