A Member
• Donors with gifts of $5,000 and over become members of our Founders Club.
• Founding members gifts of $5,000 sponsor one square of camp property.
• Each square is about 1/3 of an acre in size.
• Multiples of squares are available for sponsorship.
• Founders choose which square they want to sponsor.
• Receipts are available for sponsorship in the Founders Club.
2024/2025 Goal: $195,000 for 39 New Sponsorship of Squares

When squares are chosen they are marked with an X and are no longer available to sponsor.

D-3 Thank You Windsor Construction Association

F-12 Thank You Nancy Flagler-Wilburn of FR Jordan & Associates Real Estate Appraisers

K-9, J-10 & L-8 Thank You Ground Effects

C-4, 5. 6, 7, 8 &
Thank You Anonymous Donor
For Your Amazing Support
In Memory of Marion Phillips

E-12 Thank You Mary Mahovlich BYCOC Optimist Club Member

C-9 Thank You Waste Connections of Canada

F-6, G-6 and G-7 Thank You Noel Family For Your Amazing Support

D-10 Thank You Unifor Local 444 and Unifor Local 444 Retirees Chapter

K-5 Thank You Navy League of Canada-Windsor Branch & RCSCC Agamemnon

K-10 Thank You The Charles and Ethel Cohen Family Foundation

E-6 Thank you Turtle Rock Family Club

D-4, E-4 & F-4
Thank You Anonymous Donor
For Your Amazing Support

D-8, D-9, E-8 and E-9 Thank You The Lucier Family Foundation

D-12 Thank You Wolfhead Distillery

D-5 Thank you Anonymous Donor

C-11 Thank You Anonymous Donor

F-10 Thank You Basterfield & Associates

C-3 Thank You
Moir Crane Services Ltd

D-6 and D-7 Thank You Anonymous Donor For Your Amazing Support

K-6 Thank You Anonymous Donor

I-8 Thank You Movati Athletic

F-3 Thank You Rotary

G-5 Thank you Joan Klinck

E-7 and F-7 Thank You Anonymous Donor For Your Amazing Suspport

G-12 Thank You Anonymous Donor

C-10 Thank You Dan and Molly Allaire

G-9 Thank you Supporters of the auctions run by Dan/Michelle Faerber & Larry/Erin Stauton
In memory of Candice Michelle Faerber and Julie “Ju” Tavolieri
Donate to our Camp Improvement Fund
Funds will be used to replace the cabins, upgrade the block building so that it may be used year-round and for general operations of the camp.